Liss, Michael

Liss, Michael

Son of Baruch and Rebecca. He was born on March 19, 1932 in Degania Aleph. He was lively and aware of every act, rebelling and warning of every phenomenon that seemed to him negative, and tended to expose things as they were without hesitation or hesitation. He would demand from others exactly what he demanded of himself. He was drafted to the IDF in July 1950. Participated in the battle of Abu-Agila in the Sinai Campaign with the rank of Lieutenant, and on 27 March 1956. He was buried in the Military Cemetery at Shachal and on 16 Elul 5717 (12.9.1957) was transferred to eternal rest in the cemetery in his kibbutz. On the first anniversary of his death, Degania A published a booklet in his memory.

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