Lipsky, Gad (Gadi)

Lipsky, Gad (Gadi)

Son of Leah and Abraham (my father). He was born on August 16, 1974, in Tel Aviv. The family lived in the Bavli neighborhood of Tel Aviv until 1984. Gadi studied first and fourth grade at the Yerushalmi Elementary School in Tel Aviv, and after the family moved to Ramat Aviv Gimmel in Tel Aviv, Gadi completed his elementary studies at the Ramat Aviv neighborhood school third'”. In junior high and high school, Gadi studied at the Herzliya Gymnasium in Tel Aviv, specializing in mathematics and physics. Gadi had a talent for real professions, and he loved physics very much. His teachers and friends say that he was kind to people, helped many others and gave everyone attention and a warm and sympathetic attitude. Gadi worked as a volunteer at Magen David Adom in Tel Aviv in 1992-1990. He excelled in first aid courses and spent a lot of time volunteering in this framework, like his older brother Yoav and his younger brother Ohad. Gadi was well at planning his time so that he could engage in many different activities. He joined the “Sea Scouts” and rode horses, traveled extensively in Israel and even visited abroad several times. His visit to the extermination camps in Poland, as part of a trip on behalf of the Gymnasia “Herzliya”, left a strong impression on him. Gadi was friendly, loyal to his friends and devoted to his family. He joined the IDF in early August 1992 and asked to serve in the anti-aircraft forces. At the end of his training, Gadi was sent to a combat paramedics course and finished with a very high grade. After a short time, he took an aeronautics course. In the framework of the anti-aircraft unit he served in the Gaza Strip, in the north of the country and in Lebanon, and was an outstanding medic, responsible and dedicated to his job, and after he successfully passed the practical tests for an officers’ course and shortly before taking the tests in writing, On August 22, 1993, Gadi was attached to the Engineering Corps Company of the Golani Brigade. He participated as a paramedic in a battle between IDF and SLA forces and the Hezbollah terrorist organization at the Raslan outpost in the northeastern security zone in Lebanon. Gadi was killed by a direct shell hit while he was running to take care of the wounded man. He was nineteen when he fell. Gadi was laid to rest in the Kiryat Shaul military cemetery. Left parents, brothers – Yoav and Ohad and sister – Ofra. After his fall, Gadi was promoted to the rank of sergeant, and was awarded the Citation of the Air Force Commander for his courage and devotion to the mission under enemy fire. Was killed in southern Lebanon during military operations in defending the northern communities, and Gad served in the anti-aircraft battalion as a combat medic and was killed when he ran out of ammunition at a wounded friend. Gad was an outstanding and devoted soldier, responsible and loved by all his friends and commanders. Let us treasure it with pride. “

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