Lipkin, Mordechai (Motke)

Lipkin, Mordechai (Motke)

Was born on the 11th of Cheshvan 5744 (11.10.1923) in Be’er Sheva, and his mother was a member of a family that had settled in the Bedouin city some fifty years before, and his father was one of the inhabitants of Rehovot. When he grew up, he went to a training course in Geva and was transferred to the Alumot group as a plantation man and field guard, and as a guard in the eastern valley he was imprisoned for several months in Acre and released only after After the outbreak of the War of Independence following the United Nations General Assembly resolution of 29 November 1947 on the partition of the country into two states, his girlfriend volunteered to be a parent In the old city under siege, and he joined the ranks of the PID in Jerusalem in order to be close to him, and was known for his work as a diligent, loyal, honest and pleasant friend, and he rescued his friends from a damaged car, Mordecai fell in battle on the 7th of Adar 2, 5708 (March 18, 1948), leaving the convoy from Hartuv to Jerusalem. Mordechai, who led the armored vehicle, bravely fought and fell in flames with all his men in the car. He was buried in Sanhedria in Jerusalem. On the 26th of Av 5711 (26.9.1951) he was put to rest at the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

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