Lior, Zvi (“Tzvika”)

Lior, Zvi (“Tzvika”)

Son of Eliyahu and Hadassah. He was born on April 25, 1942 in Tel Aviv, and after graduating from the “Shiva” elementary school in Ramat Gan, he attended the “Ohel Shem” high school. He also belonged to the Gadna. He was inclined to the science of chemistry. He was drafted into the IDF in August 1960, and during his academic career he was able to visit the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in the Faculty of Natural Sciences in the Chemistry track, but on the 16th of Elul 5761 (16.8.1961) he fell while serving in the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul . Survived by parents and sister – Chana. His parents established a library in his name at Tel Hashomer Hospital and established a benevolent fund for patients hospitalized in the same hospital. The profession he studied was chemistry, so his parents founded a chemistry lab in the Ohel Shem school where he studied; His parents also set up an annual scholarship in his name for one of the Ohel Shem graduates who enters the Faculty of Natural Sciences at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in order to specialize in his favorite subject.

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