Linik, Yonah

Linik, Yonah

Yona, son of Dora and Haim, was born on July 26, 1953, in Petah Tikva. He studied at the PICA elementary school and then completed three years of study at the Amal high school in Petah Tikva and was trained as a mechanical mechanic. A few days before the “survey” exams, Yonah said to his parents: “In the class I did not learn much, but look at how I pass the examination exams …” On the last day before the exams he shut himself up in his room for hours After the test results, and the teacher of Yona’s class began to read the results, he began: “Children, firecracker and thunder! Yona Linik passed the survey …! “When Yona completed three years of study at the vocational school and was certified as a mechanical locksmith, his teachers offered him to devote his fourth year to study for external matriculation exams, as no such examinations were conducted in the school. One of his friends once confessed: “I can not explain it, but even when I am a rabbi with Yonah, I can not hate him. .. “Jonah’s great hobby was drawing, and he divided most of his paintings among his friends, and only a small part of the collection remained in his home Yona was drafted into the IDF in early November 1971 and volunteered to serve in the Golani Brigade, “He said. Anyone who knew Yonah Makarov was not surprised that he chose to serve in a combat infantry unit. He was immune to any fear. When his father once asked him not to risk too much and become an ordinary soldier, he replied: “Why did the counselors invest so much effort in me to be a regular soldier …?” When the Yom Kippur War broke out, Yona was at his parents’ home on a holiday break. When his father returned from the synagogue and told him that people were being recruited, he replied, “It must be my girlfriend doing some kind of action.” He quickly put on his uniform and returned to his unit on the Golan Heights. For ten days, Yona took part in bold actions on the Syrian front. On the 16th of Tishrei 5734 (October 16, 1973) Yona left with his unit to clean up a settlement that had been occupied by the Syrians, and the force successfully completed its mission, but on the way back it was opened with fire and Jonah was killed, Tikva, aged 20. He left behind his parents and two brothers, who continue to mourn him, and was promoted to the rank of corporal.

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