Linder, Erez-Paul

Linder, Erez-Paul

Ben Shoshana and Charles. He was born on July 11, 1969 in New York City. The additional name ‘Paul’, derived from Apollo, was given to him since his birthday falls on the first landing of the Apollo 11 spacecraft on the moon. His father is a scientist at the Weizmann Institute and his mother is a member of the Institute. The family immigrated to Israel in 1974, five years after Erez, and settled in Rehovot. Erez studied at the Sprinzak Elementary School and continued his studies at the Katzir High School. Throughout his studies he was an outstanding student with a desire for perfection and excellence in every field in which he worked. His main interests were science and mathematics and he graduated with honors. Erez had a musical talent, played a recorder and a forest fund, and during his ten years at the conservatory he was awarded three scholarships by the Sharett Foundation for gifted musicians. In his last year of high school he learned to play guitar. His desire to create music along with his desire to specialize in science reflects his intense need to create and understand the living reality around him. In the framework of his musical activity, he went twice with the Rehovot Municipal Orchestra to perform abroad and, along with the development of his musical talents, liked to read and read a lot of literature: Erez was an introverted young man who did not share his emotions and experiences, 1987 and assigned to serve in the Intelligence Corps. He was sent to the NCO course and then to the Intelligence Officers Course, and both graduated with honors, and in August 1990 he completed his compulsory army service and continued his career as a career soldier. In a road accident on his way to his unit on the northern border, was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Rehovot, where his parents and sister – Orly – wrote in a letter of condolence to the bereaved family, Erez has radiated quality, credibility, professionalism and exceptional responsibility, and few officers of his rank who succeed in making their military actions sign Roo Quality and quality as Erez left … Erez was a combination of human quality with a professional curiosity that knows no limits and a constant striving to complete the circles of action.In his position as a division observation officer, Erez was required to brief, teach and guide. “We loved Erez and he loved everything he did.” One of his friends wrote about him: “He had everything, intelligence, genius talent and above all the desire to learn and create like a huge flower beautiful and just opened up and blossom, love and succeed, which just began to enjoy, so will remain in my heart as it was the last time I saw him, A perfect young man, excited and enthusiastic about the future life that awaits him. ” The family established a scholarship fund for young musicians by wind instruments at the conservatory in Rehovot to commemorate his memory.

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