Lindenwerm, Yosef-Zadok (Yosl)

Lindenwerm, Yosef-Zadok (Yosl)

Son of Mordechai. Born in 1903 in Lublin, Poland, he was a member of the Po’alei Zion party and one of its activists. When he moved to Warsaw he was active in the building workers’ union and the Arbeterheim. In 1924 he immigrated to Eretz Israel with a group of Borochov youth, to Tel Aviv, where he worked as a construction worker and married his groupmate. He joined the Labor Battalion and worked in Kfar Giladi and Haifa, when the Haifa company of the battalion returned to Tel Aviv and continued to work as a construction worker. He later served as the head of the branch committee, later joining the infantry company of the Palestine infantry and serving at the Reading station in Tel Aviv. On June 1, 1945, 20 Sivan, he drowned in the sea in Tel Aviv. He left a wife. His name was commemorated in “The Book of Volunteerism” and in the book “Yizkor” by the Jabotinsky Institute. An investigation conducted in 2017 found that his resting place was in Nahalat Yitzhak, Israel. He was 41 years old when he died.

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