Lifshitz, Gabriel (Gabi)

Lifshitz, Gabriel (Gabi)

Son of Patricia and Roberto. Gabriel was born in Argentina on June 22, 1977, to Daniela, Uri, Mor and Levavi, who immigrated to Israel in September 1982, when Gabriel was five years old, Gabriel joined the IDF on March 19, 1986 and served in the Logistics Corps. His commanders said that he was a dedicated soldier, who showed loyalty and helped to turn him around at all times. He stood out in his peace of mind and was admired and accepted by his commanders and all his friends. Corporal Gabriel fell during his service on Wednesday, March 2, 1998. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Kfar Sava, leaving parents, two sisters and two brothers (the information on this page was written according to the data). (The full life story will be published later.) (This page is part of the Yizkor memorial project, which was held by the Ministry of Defense)

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