Lifschitz, Isaac

Lifschitz, Isaac

Son of Rivka raizel and Menachem Mendel, was born on the 5th Adar II, March 15, 1921, in the town of Staszow, Poland. From his childhood he was educated in the spirit of Zionism and before he was 16 years old, on 31.12.1937, immigrated to Israel. During the Second World War Isaac was one of the first volunteers to the British army in 1941. In July 1946 he was discharged from the army and a month later he settled in Ramot Naftali. With the outbreak of the War of Independence, Ramot Naftali was attacked by the enemy. Among the defenders of the place, Isaac stood fearlessly and took upon himself the difficult burden of defense. On the 22nd of Nissan 5708 (1.5.1948), about five weeks after his daughter was born, he was responsible for the front position. After he managed to get his men back from the post, he continued to stand on the fort until he was hit by a bundle of enemy bullets and fell. Isaac was laid to rest at the Ramot Naftali cemetery. His brother Meir also fell in battle for the defense of Ramot Naftali, four weeks later.


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