Lieblich, Hanan

Lieblich, Hanan

Son of Elsa and Isaac. Born in Berlin on May 5, 1914, he immigrated to Eretz Israel in 1933 and settled in Gedera, where he devoted himself to various occupations and at the same time worked hard to learn Hebrew. Hanan joined the ranks of the Haganah and enlisted in the Guard Corps in order to save water drills in the Negev. In late August 1938, at the height of the bloody riots of 1936-1939, he was on his way from the Be’er Sheva drilling site to his home in Gedera together with his friend Notar Yitzhak Haberkorn. They were wa shot and killed on the bus from shots from an Arab bus. On 5 Elul, 1.9.1938, he died of his wounds and was buried in the cemetery in Gedera. He left a wife in Israel and parents and a sister in Australia. His name was also commemorated in the booklet “Kofar HaIshuv” and in the Yizkor book of the Jabotinsky Institute.

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