Lichtenstein, Avner

Lichtenstein, Avner

Son of Hanna and Yehoshua, was born on July 14, 1932, in Jerusalem, where he studied mechanics and became an active member of the Gordonia movement, was interested in music and antiques and tried to paint. He served in the “Beit Horon” Battalion and took part in the Kedem operation – the break-in to the Old City, in the Battle of the Radar and in the vicinity of the corridor to Jerusalem on August 17, 1948) fell in action to capture the branch of “Armon Hanatziv” After completing his duties there he went up to the roof of the house for observation, noticed that his friend had been wounded, and ran to call a paramedic. He was taken to a hospital where he died 12 hours later and was buried in Sheikh Bader A. His brother Ya’akov, who was older than him, also fell in battle during the War of Independence three months earlier Another member of the family was captured by the Arab Legion on August 30, 1950, and was transferred to the military cemetery at Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

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