Liani, Gabi Yitzhak

Liani, Gabi Yitzhak

Ben Yakut and Massoud. He was born in Nazareth Illit on August 8, 1974. Gabi was the youngest son of the nine daughters and sons of the Liani family, a large and cohesive family, and he was treated as a good boy, quiet and disciplined, Gabi grew up in Nazareth Illit, where he studied at the “Atzmon” elementary school, went on to the junior high school “Yigal Allon” and graduated from the Moshe Sharett Comprehensive School of Mechanics and Mechanics. Gabi joined the IDF in late November 1993 and was very motivated and interested in serving in the combat units. At the end of basic training, Gabi began his training course at the 4th Training Center, and told his friends that he was happy with the course, that there were good guys there and that he wanted to be a squad commander. During the Shiva campaign, in which he earned the title of “Outstanding Soldier.” On weekends and vacations, Gaby spent time with his family, went to synagogue with his father and went out with his friends. He was buried at the military cemetery in Nazareth Illit and left behind his parents, three brothers – Meir, Zion and Yaakov, and five brothers A – bee farm, cheerful, Dina Verde. His family has perpetuated the memory contribution in the name Torah to the synagogue “Ohel Leah” in Nazareth.

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