Leystan, Haim (Heini)

Leystan, Haim (Heini)

Was born on August 12, 1914 in Berlin, the capital of Germany, where he studied religious education and completed a commercial school, but devoted most of his time to Zionist missions, Zionist organizations, And in 1938 he immigrated to Israel and worked in a bookshop in Haifa, where he joined the “People’s Guard” and was appointed battalion commander.was an active member of the Hagana, He joined the 7th Brigade immediately after the declaration of the State of Israel, and Haim fell in the Latrun sector on the 9th of June 1948. He was buried in Naan. On the 2nd of Sivan 5705 (18.5.1950) he was transferred to the eternal rest of the military cemetery in Haifa.

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