Levinson, Moshe-Balfour (Blik)

Levinson, Moshe-Balfour (Blik)

Son of Binyamin and Fruma. He was born on March 17, 1925 in Jerusalem. Fourth generation in Israel: A great grandson and grandson of the founders of settlements and redeemed lands. As a child he was a member of the Young Maccabee and of the immigrant camps. After graduating from high school in Beit Hakerem he worked as a clerk in his father’s publishing office. As an American citizen, during the Second World War, he was required to leave the country and join the American army, but he refused. He was one of the first recruits to save Jerusalem when the War of Independence broke out. He participated in all the battles in the north and south of Jerusalem (near the houses of Mandelbaum, Sheikh Jarrah, Ramat Rachel, Mount Zion, the occupation of Deir Abu Tur and the railway station). Alert and full of vitality. His attitude toward each event was optimistic but not without a trace of skepticism. Always ready for every call, whether for the defense of the people or for the help of a friend. On the 27th of Adar 5709 (March 27, 1949), he fell in the course of his duty of disarming, when he came to help his friend, Yaakov Prioff, and fell with him. This day was a tragic combination: his older brother celebrated his wedding day in New York that day and at his parents’ home there was a party that Moshe too had to attend, but he turned to his job. He was buried on the 2nd of Adar II and on the 17th of Sivan 5761 (21.6.1951) was transferred to eternal rest in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem

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