Levinger, Lipman Yom Tov (Latzi)
Was born on November 27, 1922 in the city of Nitra, Slovakia, and immigrated to Israel in 1939. He graduated from high school in Palestine, and his parents and sister perished during the Second World War, Where he worked in carpentry and cattle breeding and was known among his friends as an art lover and even as a gifted painter and a pleasant friend and friend of all those who knew him … He wrote in his letters: “… for the good and the good Haim; Yomtov volunteered for the British Army during the Second World War and served there during the years 1941-1946, in Israel and Egypt, and during the course of his service he studied painting. After returning from the army, he joined Kibbutz Kfar Masaryk in the Zevulun Valley, where he married a wife, devoted himself to the farm, and saw it as a source of deep experience. What I fell on. “On March 27, 1948, at noon, a convoy of seven vehicles and 90 people left Nahariya to deliver supplies, The first car was able to break through and reach Yehiam, but the rest of the vehicles were ambushed, and the convoy fought until the evening and under cover of darkness some of them managed to escape, but about half of them fell in battle. To commemorate the military cemetery in Nahariya and dedicated a memorial booklet to two friends who thought: “In memory of our friends Lazy and Aryeh” (Iyar 5709) and decided that the cultural center in Kfar Masaryk will bear their names (Latzi and Aryeh). He left many paintings of artistic value in his estate.