Levin, Zvi

Levin, Zvi

Son of Zippora and Yakov Yosef. He was born in the city of Lipno in Poland to a Zionist family, and was one of the first followers of Theodore Herzl in Poland, where he attended Hebrew school and learned Hebrew in his early childhood. From his early youth, he was aware of all the events in the national revival movement, participated in its factories, and established special groups for Hebrew speakers, later joining the Betar youth movement and visiting the country. In 1933 he immigrated to Israel and joined the Betar Labor Company in Ramat-Tiomkin (now Netanya), then moved to Haifa where he was active in Betar and the National Workers’ Union and worked in building, paving roads, In 1935, his parents immigrated to Israel, and two years later they settled in the village of Jedda (today Ramat Yishai), when the bloody riots were already in progress, and Zvi joined a defender of the place as a guard and was appointed deputy commander. On 6 Sivan, June 5, 1938, in a fierce night battle with a gang of Arab rioters who attacked the settlement, Zvi fell with his rifle in his hand. He was brought to eternal rest in the cemetery in Beit She’arim. On his tombstone is engraved: “This land, whose earth is saturated with the sweat of your nose, and your blood is ours, and it shall be ours.”

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