Levin, Bruce

Levin, Bruce

Ben Batya and Waring. Bruce was born on May 15, 1947 in the United States. He grew up in the United States and immigrated to Israel in April 1970. He was an electrician and an ambulance driver at the beginning of his career, and Bruce was one of the pillars of the fiberglass factory and was an engineer in building raw materials for the factory. During his spare time, he was very fond of electronics and electricity, and he was on the guitar, and was drafted into the Israel Police in 1983, in the presence of Ravash (current security coordinator) in his kibbutz. He has always been a personal example to all of his constituents. In addition to his role as Ravash, he liked to help others, volunteered for every mission, and even during his free time was constantly listening, so that for every field event he was the first to arrive. On February 26, 1995, Sergeant First Sergeant Bruce fell during his service. He was forty-seven when he fell. He was buried in the cemetery at Kibbutz Neve Eitan. He left a wife and five children.

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