Levin, Baruch (Burka)

Levin, Baruch (Burka)

Son of Ita and David. He was born on December 24, 1916, in Russia. He immigrated to Israel from Poland in 1922. In 1933 he joined the Haganah and in 1937-1942 he was active in the “Ha-No’ad” company in Tel Aviv. The British Army, and first joined the Tzrifin military band in Tzrifin, under the direction of director Zvi Friedland, and with the dispersal of the band he moved to the first regiment of the Palestine Regiment and with him moved to the Jewish Brigade in 1944. In his company he enjoyed his friends in his evening voice at every holiday and every party. On 16 Nisan, March 30, 1945, he participated in patrols on the front lines and fell in battle in an encounter with an ambush unit of German soldiers near the “Dempsey” post. He was buried in the Allied military cemetery in Ravenna, Italy. He left his parents, a wife – Tamar, a sister and a brother. His memory was commemorated in “The Jewish Brigade Book,” “The Book of the Press,” “The Book of Volunteerism,” “Yizkor” on behalf of the Jabotinsky Institute, and the Scopus booklet, published by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

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