Levi, Yuval

Levi, Yuval

Yuval, son of Ruti and Michael Levi, was born in Haifa in 1979. In July 1997 Yuval joined the IDF and served in the Navy. He served as a diver in the Haifa port, in a unit that among other things checked ships entering the port. On February 18, 1998 Yuval was killed during an operation. Yuval went down to the dive to which he had been trained, and which he had done many times in the past, diving for mines under the bottom of ships. Yuval and his diving partner were asked to check a large merchant ship. Contrary to planning, the ship’s engine was activated. The operation was only for a short time, but Yuval and Eyal were just below the ship’s whip when Yuval was hit and killed. After his death he was promoted to sergeant. He was laid to rest at the military cemetery in Haifa. Yuval left behind his parents, sister, brother and girlfriend.

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