Levi, Yosef-Zvi

Levi, Yosef-Zvi

Son of-Ayala and Shlomo, the seventh generation in the country, was born on Yom Kippur (20.9.1961) in Tel Aviv, the birthplace of the most sacred day of the Jewish people, He was an outstanding student at the Etzion school in his hometown and a member of the Bnei Akiva youth movement, and it was years before the closed child learned to raise his finger during classes and take part in what was going on in the classroom. – Akiva. ” During his high school years in Kfar Haruah, he was a student in the Physical Physical Education Program and took on another assignment – studying Torah study, whose students were more deeply involved in the study of the Holy Torah. His teachers thanked him, saying, “I was afraid of Yossi’s rising hand from his blue eyes that heralded a question.” His teacher admitted that when Yossi came to class, he had to be more careful about his preparation. The official of the matriculation grades found his mother randomly in the pocket of his shirt, which he asked for “What is there to show you? These are just Zionists! “At home there were other traits of his sharp intellect and excellent analytical ability: sensitivity, sentimentality, warm Lev, and good eye, his help for his mother, and for the help he gave her even when he was tired and weary. , And the music was loved by him, and sometimes the house would fill up with the sounds of the organ he played or the sounds of the music coming from the recording machine.In the vacations, at the Shabbat table, Yossi would sing his words and say words of Torah.In his four years of high school, Of “Mishna Yomit” – a difficult task for a boy whose daily schedule is full of countless professions. At the end of his high school studies, Yossi debated whether to continue to study real studies in the framework of the academic reserve, or to continue studying Torah in the hesder yeshiva, which combines Torah study with military service. Yossi decided that “this is the time to study Torah – learning a profession is always possible” and chose the Yeshivat hesder yeshiva in the Golan Heights. At the yeshiva, Yossi concentrated all his energy on learning. His parents say he regularly carried books with him to study on the trip from one place to another. “Even when he came home,” his mother recalls, “after a long ride he sat down on his books until the wee hours.” During the short years of his life, he bought dozens of holy books, paid pennies, and bought himself a very elegant pair of tefillin. When he enlisted, and his parents urged him to take a simpler pair with him, he explained: “I did not buy tefillin so they would clean the closet in the room.” During his military service in the Armored Corps, Yossi was discovered as an outstanding soldier, the best gunner in the company, and an example of his comrades. His commanders often discovered him during the night, bent over his books in the battalion synagogue after a busy day. Yossi spent his last Shabbat, at least in part, at home. As he left for Friday night prayers the phone began to ring. When he got the message back to the base he hesitated a little, and tore up the envelope containing a telephone list. He rang the first man on the list and called. Yossi went to the front, in the middle of the Sabbath, “I’m not shaking on Shabbat,” he told his mother. “Send everything by mail!” And left his house carrying a backpack containing only tefillin. The remains of the tefillin, which were turned into flutes of fire and found in a tank where he fell, were returned to his parents together with a small and burned ammunition box filled with small holy books – books he carried with him in a tankDuring operational activity. After he fell, comrades and commanders hurt the death of the apprentice and the friend, whose qualities were the Lev of everything. In a letter sent to the parents by the battalion commander, he said: “Yossi was chosen to be the commander of the company because of his high skills and abilities, and he was known for his responsibility, his professional knowledge and quick perception, qualities that were the virtues of a good gunner. He has a great deal of work, with the same unselfish dedication and dedication. ” The commander of the company told the parents: “Yossi is especially fond of me When I returned from the staff meetings at one o’clock in the morning after a hard day of activity, I met him sitting and studying, . “When we did not find Yossi, we always knew where to look for him: in the battalion synagogue, where he sat for hours studying his studies,” he said. And Yossi was an outstanding artillery officer in the company, his injuries in the war as a cannon in the tank, and the commander of the company excelled with great accuracy. Yossi fell on June 10, 1982 in a battle held in Kfar Sil, Lebanon. He was 21 years old. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul. After they fell, he was promoted to corporal. Yossi left behind his parents, two brothers and a sister. His family commemorated him in the yeshivas where he studied, in Kfar Haruah and in the Golan yeshiva in Hespin, and his friends in the Golan Yeshiva published a memorial booklet containing Torah words in his memory.

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