Levi, Yoram

Levi, Yoram

Son of Matilda and Yehuda. He was born on July 23, 1968 in Kadima. n eighth grade he was sent to a psychotecon test and it turned out that he had a higher IQ than the average, and since then he was called the “genius” of the class, but Yoram remained modest, helping his classmates and not bragging about his knowledge. Yoram continued to the Shapira State Religious High School in Netanya, specializing in electronics. Since he was a child, he has liked to dismantle radios and try to learn how they operate. He graduated from ORT in Netanya. From the dawn of his youth, Joram had discovered virtuous talents. He was polite and quiet, a successful student and a responsible and intelligent boy. From every parent meeting, his parents returned with joy, after hearing the praise and praise of the teachers for their son. In particular, Yoram liked to study Torah, and won the first place in his school’s Bible Quiz, and in November 1986 Yoram enlisted in the IDF. He had a great love for the Land of Israel and its inhabitants, so he wanted to be a combat soldier in the army and thus reached the Givati ​​Brigade. He completed his basic training with honors, as his commanders testified in the beret journey. He was sent to the officers ‘training course, which he graduated with honors, he had command skills and went to the officers’ course, but left him in the middle of the course because he had trouble giving orders to his friends. Served with dedication and no complaints, he completed his regular service as a noncom in the regimental brigade. After his military service, Yoram turned to academic studies at Ruppin College and was certified as a plastic engineer. After completing his studies, he worked for a short period in two plastics factories, and then began working for Teva. Yoram was sent by the Computer Science Company at Sivan College and graduated cum laude. At the age of twenty-two and a half, Yoram met Rachel, and a year later, on December 7, 1992, the two married. In 1995, their firstborn was born. A year and a half later, Adi was born. In 2000, Yoav was born. In 2002, eight months after his death, his daughter Or was born. The family lives in Elad. Yoram had a wonderful life with his wife and mother of his children, a life of love and brotherhood, peace and friendship. All their witnesses enjoyed witnessing what a real and beautiful relationship they had. Despite his many occupations, Yoram never forgot to keep in touch with his family. The commandment of respect for a father and mother was met with devotion, whether on visits or in telephone conversations. After his military service, Yoram, who always loved to study Torah, began to take an interest in Torah literature in all its aspects: Tanach, Gemara, mysticism, and his favorite topic of Halakhah. His brother David said: “In his last years he was able to finish tractate Gemara complete in the framework of the Daf Yomi. Little Mishnah books (Kehati) were attached to him everywhere. His dedication to study is exemplified by the fact that when he was working on a luncheon, he would go to pray in the morning at sunrise, and immediately after the prayers he would study for several hours. Afterward he came to his home for a few hours, and when the time came for Mincha he would go to pray, and from there he would go to his place of work … “Limud Torah was Yoram’s life. He diligently and stubbornly learned daily, including Saturdays and holidays, the Daf Yomi. He insisted not to work overtime, preferring to spend every free hour in family life and Torah study. He did not agree to work during the intermediate days of the festival, and concentrated on spending time with his family and studying. After his marriage he worked for a few months as a security guard in a school, and during his work he managed to read many parts of Yalkut Yosef. Even in the last reserves, from which he did not return, he took advantage of every available minute to study Torah. He also told his friends about his ambition: “In the future I see myself studying in the kollel,” he said. Yoram would behave respectfully and respectfully to each person. He had no quarrel with people. In his behavior he served as a symbol and a model, thus sanctifying God’s name in public. So outside, and of course in his home. He always tried to keep his tongue against slander and gossip about others. All his life he was satisfied with his life as little as he could, and he did not take a penny from anyone. Yoram did a lot of acts of charity and charity, and was careful to remain modest, quiet and self-conscious in all his ways. In the end of March 2002, at the beginning of Operation Defensive Shield, he responded immediately and only asked to arrive on Sunday so as not to violate the Sabbath, and his unit entered immediately at the beginning of the operation to fight in the Samaria areas “On the 27th of Nisan 5762 (April 9, 2002), Yoram fell in battle in Jenin. He was laid to rest at the cemetery in Segula, Petah Tikva. Survived by a pregnant wife, three children, parents and five brothers and sisters. After his death, his daughter Or was born.

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