Levi, Yaki (Yaakov)

Levi, Yaki (Yaakov)

Ben Shoshana and Moshe. He was born on the eve of Tu B’Shvat, 5771 (9.2.1971) in Tel Aviv. He studied at the Hankin Elementary School in Holon until the third grade and continued his elementary studies at Sokolov School in Bat Yam. He completed his high school studies at the Milton School in Bat Yam, specializing in electronics and computers. Yaki was an intelligent and inquisitive boy who could read before he entered school. From the third grade, he even began to attend classes for gifted children. Already in his early years, he excelled in responsibility and in exceptional matriculation. When his brother Tzach was born, about four years later, he took care of him and nurtured him. Despite the crisis Yaki experienced when his parents divorced and he moved with his mother and siblings to Bat Yam, he continued to excel in his studies, especially in mathematics, and to be active and accepted in society and a favorite of family and friends. His main hobbies during adolescence were sports – soccer and athletics, chess – a game in which he excelled in childhood. But he also began to work in a bookshop and toys. The dedication and care he displayed in the workplace impressed the owners of the store and they nurtured and promoted him as a son and taught him the secrets of the world of commerce. In October 1989, Yaki was drafted into the IDF, and was placed in the Southern Command, but the distance from the family was difficult and he asked to move to the house, so that he would be close to his mother and brother and be able to take care of them. He was chosen to represent the Israel Defense Forces in a chess competition in June 1992. Throughout his army service, Yaki also found the time to help support the family and to try his strength in new fields and in various jobs. On August 27, 1992, Yaki fell during his service and was laid to rest at Beit Ha’Av Military sex Holon. Is survived by his parents and a brother – Zach. His mother published a book in his memory. In a letter of condolence to the bereaved family unit commander wrote: “After a short period the unit was discovered wiki dedicated soldier, a prominent professional skills, motivation and loyalty to his position. Above all, Yaki was known as a devoted friend and worried about his friends, and often served as a preacher to other soldiers before the commanders. He was right above all else. His activism and spirit of volunteerism were worthy of mention, appreciation and imitation. “

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