Levi, Shimon

Levi, Shimon

Shimon, son of Esther and Baruch, was born on 27.10.1952 in Morocco and immigrated to Israel with his family in 1957. He studied at the Rambam Elementary School in Ashdod, where his family settled, and then completed his studies at the Rambam High School in Ashdod, with a carpentry track. Shimon grew up and was educated in the spirit of Jewish tradition and faith in the God of Israel. He therefore chose to study in schools, in which many of them were taught religious studies. In high school, he was able to combine religious studies with the carpentry profession. He loved manual labor, and had great talent and skill in his profession. He loved the work and was very special about materials and tools. The many pieces of furniture he left behind testify to his great talent. He planned to open a carpentry workshop, but his fall in battle disrupted the realization of his ambitions. His teachers testified that he was a diligent and industrious student. He was known for his quiet nature, his modesty, and the exemplary order that prevailed in everything he did. He was also known for his kindness and willingness to help anyone who wished. Shimon devoted a great deal of time to his home and family, took it upon himself to guide his young brothers and urged them to follow in his footsteps and be like him, outstanding students and sons devoted to their parents. From his free time he spent a lot of time with friends in the youth club, on the beach and on trips around the country. Shimon was drafted into the Israel Defense Forces in mid-November 1970 and was assigned to an armored infantry company in the framework of a tank battalion in Sinai, where he completed his three years of service in the Israel Defense Forces. In November 1973, he was about to complete his regular service and enter civilian life. In the Yom Kippur War, his unit set out to stop an attack by Egyptian soldiers crossing the Suez Canal. Shimon was in the armored personnel carrier of the company commander who set out to clear the area of ​​the city of Kantara On October 10, 1973, during the battle, the force encountered an enemy ambush and stormed it. A few days before his twenty-first birthday, he returned to eternal rest in the Ashdod cemetery, leaving behind his parents and brothers. In a letter of condolence to the bereaved family, the defense minister wrote: “Shimon served in the Armored Corps and was a devoted soldier and a loyal friend, Shimon was fond of his commanders and comrades in arms.” The city of Ashdod published a pamphlet in memory of its sons who fell in the battle, and included some things about his character; His classmates set up a monument to the students of the Ashdod High School, who fell in battle.

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