Levi, Moshe (Moshele)

Levi, Moshe (Moshele)

Was born on January 13, 1929, in Zichron Ya’akov When he was three months old, his parents moved to Pardes Hanna, where he grew up and completed elementary school, excelling in his behavior and studies. And one of the organizers of the Hapoel branch in Pardes Hannah, the center of the ping-pong game, where he grew up specializing in retouching, loved this profession and succeeded in it. After the United Nations General Assembly decided on 29 November 1947 to divide the country into two states and the outbreak of the War of Independence, he joined the Alexandroni Brigade and underwent all the training. He participated in battles near Tira, Ein Ghazal, Mishmar HaEmek, Zera’in and Kafr Qara. Three days before his fall, he managed to visit his home. He went to work in Ramat Hakovesh and fell there on the day of the declaration of the state, May 14, 1948. He was brought to rest in the military cemetery in Netanya.

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