Levi, Moshe

Levi, Moshe

Son of Albert and Rachel. Born in Warsaw, Bulgaria on November 24, 1933, he immigrated to Israel with his family in 1948. Moshe started his elementary school in his hometown and spent his first days in Israel at the immigrants’ camp in Pardes Hannah. A group of youth to Kfar Giladi in order to study Hebrew, and when the family found a place to live in the center of the country, he left the kibbutz and began studying in Tel Aviv and Haifa, where he studied at the Montefiore High School in Tel Aviv and the Technion in Haifa. He joined the IDF in July 1953 and was appointed to the Artillery Corps. After basic training, he completed an officers’ course and was sent to an artillery battalion. Where he served first as a battery officer and later as a liaison officer. After his regular service, he volunteered for the permanent army. During all his years of service, Moshe did not separate from the Artillery Corps. He advanced at all levels of command of the corps-in the field and at headquarters. He served as commander of the battery, commander’s guide, deputy commander, officers officer, operations officer, battalion commander, deputy commander of the division, and in his last position, . Moshe participated in all the systems of Israel; during the Sinai War he was a battery commander; In the Six-Day War – battalion commander in the Jordan Valley; During the Yom Kippur War, he was commander of an artillery tank in the Golan Heights. His subordinates and friends told the service: “Moshe was strong, broad-shouldered, with a clear cut of speech and blue eyes, who expressed deep thought and warm emotion, never confounded his thoughts, he had no social hypocrisy. He did not spare any harsh words to denounce the failure or to express his feeling: “Moishe” was a “handsome and obedient person,” and his internal discipline, which he demanded of himself, demanded of others as well. For the disclosure of his clothing, his appearance, his meticulousness in correct work, or the discipline of learning, the memorization of study material, and examination and performance performance He had a broad view of many subjects, he always tried to get to the bottom of things, and Moishe spoke several languages ​​and knew them well, especially in familiar landscapes, especially in Jerusalem. In Europe, when he was there on an unknown mission, he loved life and loved everything that was Yaffa and good, he loved good music, good film and excellent acting. With such expertise. For many loves he gave up for the moral goal that he devoted to his life – serving in the IDF – can be placed as one of the pillars that grew up and grew out of the corps and was a partner to the ever-evolving work. ” On Monday, March 21, 1977, Moshe was killed in the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul and left behind a wife, daughter, parents and brother In a letter of condolences to the bereaved family, General Herzl Shafir: “During the past year, in the difficult position and responsibility of a commanding officer, I was privileged to recognize Moshe and to honor him for his approach to work, his seriousness, his devotion, his power of will and his personal ability as an officer and commander. You are most of his years in the IDF, and now his friends in the Southern Command will always remember him. “

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