Levi, Israel

Levi, Israel

Son of Miriam and Reuven was born on February 21, 1914, in the city of Augustov, the district of Soblek, Poland (formerly Russia). In 1926 he immigrated with his family to Eretz Israel and received his first education for work and agriculture at the school for the children of workers in Tel Aviv, and together with his friends in the second graduating class, he conceived the idea of establishing an independent community that supported the unification of the labor movement. finally, the immigration to Migdal and the establishment of the Ginosar farm, where he established a family in Israel, In 1948, during the War of Independence, he participated in punitive actions and harassed the villages near Ginossar, traveled in convoys along the Galilee, participated in the defense of the Gesher farm, in the explosion of the El Hama Bridge and in the Arab Sejera occupation. 1948) went to action against the Arabs of the village of Ja’far In the early morning, two squadrons, under Israeli command, left Ginosar and came into contact with the enemy, who received armed reinforcements from the village of Marar. But he died of his wounds before being brought in. He was brought to eternal rest in the cemetery at Kibbutz Ginossar, his 12-year-old daughter, who always accompanied him on his way from work and home She helped him break up the satin and clean it, received the news of death quietly and proudly: “There is nothing. I will take revenge on them … “In his memory, the Ginossar farm built a house that bore his name, which is dedicated to the natural sciences, the use of the school and friends from the surrounding area.

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