Levi, Eyal

Levi, Eyal

Ben Adele and Shalom. Was born on 12.6.1973 in Bat Yam, a younger brother to Arik and Kobi. Eyal grew up and was educated in his hometown. He studied at the Nachshonim Elementary School and at the College of Management High School in the marketing and sales promotion field. At school he stood out for his leadership ability and his pursuit of justice and the ideals he believed in. Eyal was active in the youth movement “Maccabi Hatzair” during his entire adolescence until his enlistment in the IDF, and Eyal wrote a final project on the ideology of the youth movements, which earned him third place in Israel. , When he is full of motivation to serve as a combat soldier in the Givati ​​Brigade. In July 1992, he completed his commanding course and became an outstanding combat soldier in the brigade, while Eyal fell in battle in Lebanon on July 8, 1993, when the Givati ​​Brigade, to which he belonged, encountered a terrorist ambush. The military cemetery in Holon was raised to the rank of sergeant after his death, and at the age of twenty, Eyal was in his fall, leaving behind his parents and two brothers: “Sergeant Eyal gave his life for his homeland. He fell in the area of ​​the village of Aysheya in the security zone in southern Lebanon, when the Givati ​​force encountered an ambush of terrorists who placed a roadside bomb while opening an axis in favor of our observations. Eyal served in the infantry regiment 432. He was a very professional and courageous fighter, who was resourceful and courageous, identified the terrorists and opened fire on them, thereby preventing a heavier disaster. “The unit commander continued:” Eyal has hawk eyes and constant vigilance, As in most of his previous assignments, as a walking soldier whose job it is to identify mines, chargers and suspicious objects on the side of the road. Eyal also justified the trust placed by his commanders and became the first soldier to identify the terrorists within a few meters. His quick response, the opening of fire and his assault against enemy fire surprised the terrorists, who opened fire while trying. Eyal’s courage, resourcefulness, and alertness prevented a heavier disaster. His assault on the terrorists, while risking his life, saved his comrades from power. Eyal will always be remembered as a smiling soldier, full of motivation and justice, alert and quick in his reactions as a hawk. “

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