Levi, Aviram

Levi, Aviram

Ben Bruria and Massoud. Aviram was born on August 14, 1981 in Tiberias. Was the third of the five children in the family. Aviram completed his high school studies in his city and joined the IDF Aviram joined the Israel Prison Service on July 17, 2005 as a security guard for the Megiddo Prison, and after two years he moved to the Nachshon unit, where he served as deputy commander. In September 2004 Aviram met Michal, a social worker in the Prisons Service, and in 2006 their son Yoav was born, and Aviram fell in the Carmel disaster on Thursday, 2 Kislev. 2010), the burning of a forest on Mount Caramel always burns, and the fire, known as the Carmel disaster, is the largest in the country’s history And about a third of the homes of Kibbutz Beit Oren went up in flames and dozens of other houses in the Ein Hod Artists Village and the Yemin Orde Youth Village, And the fire quickly spread to the area of ​​Nahal Hik, the Har Alon reserve, the Damon Prison, the Shukf Mountain Nature Reserve and Kibbutz Beit Oren, and due to serious concern for human life, it was decided to evacuate prisoners from the prison “Damon” followed by “Carmel” prison. The officers’ bus and the officers of the officers’ training course of the Israel Prison Service (IPS), Class A. At 15:30, the cadets’ bus moved between ancient quarries and Beit Oren, followed by police cars. The fire broke through the walls of the bus, huge walls of fire blocked the traffic artery, seized everything, and at the peak of every shred of life, forty-four men and women perished, thirty-seven of them officers of the Prisons Service Officers, , Three firemen and three police officers, Aviram was twenty-nine years old when he fell Landing in the military cemetery in Tiberias. Survived by his wife and son.

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