Lev, Erez

Lev, Erez

Son of Esther and Assaf, a member of the Jewish settlement, was born on January 28, 1960, in Nir-Banim. Erez was the second child in the family: Before him a daughter was born, and two other girls were born. When Erez was born, his father thought of Son of in terms of a tough, uncomprehending “chauvinist”, a son who would carry on with the surname. Indeed, Erez had a combination of strength and inexhaustible energy. And he was very daring. When he was 3 years old, he was already riding a two-wheeled bicycle, and with his “private car” he would come to the kindergarten. This was to the annoyance of the teacher, who did not want him to ride the bicycle while he was under her supervision. Erez solved the problem by arranging himself a “parking facility” next to Oded’s jeep (a neighbor who lives next to the kindergarten). When Erez was 16 years old, he wanted to buy a motorcycle to travel around the country. After a family discussion, Erez agreed that the motorcycle was a dangerous vehicle and replaced it with a new, fast tractor. In the first grade, Erez studied at the moshav’s school in Nir-Banim. Afterward, he continued to study at the Mevo’ot Regional School in Be’er Tuvia, and completed his studies at the regional high school in Be’er Tuvia. In his own way, with a lot of social activity and sports games, with many trips around the country “Erez” issued a matriculation certificate, and with dignity. Throughout his childhood, Erez stood out with his own self-confidence. He had no problems creating a masculine image. On Purim, when all the boys preferred to dress up as a cowboy, Erez chose to dress up as an “18th-century Lady.” He was also one of the few boys who joined ballet classes in a group that had only girls. Everyone who knew Erez claimed that the security Erez produced emanated from the atmosphere in which he grew up, in a family rooted in Tel Yosef on the mother’s side and in Kfar Vitkin on the father’s side. From these roots he grew and became a cedar in the cedars of Lebanon. He had a strong opinion on the love of the land and the love of the family. He acquired the love of the land with his feet, on the many walks he traveled throughout the country. However, Erez also knew the love of working in Israel. In the burning fruit seasons, he would join his parents and sisters in picking and packing, and he was often ready to “run away” from school for this purpose. Erez did not talk about values, he lived by them. Only once did he mention the values ​​his parents had given him. During his officers’ course, Erez was chosen with a group of cadets for a recording made under the direction of Hanna Zemer. And so Erez said in the same recording: “Before I came to the army, I was first raised by my parents, who gave me values ​​they believed in and I received what I received … Even the fact that I went to the officers’ course and that I see myself obligated to contribute – Father and mother. “When Erez was six years old, when he was on vacation with the family in Tel Yosef, he received a bullet for a headache, and after about 10 minutes he lost consciousness and when they arrived at the hospital, the doctor said: Since then everyone around him, family and friends, knew how to behave in an emergency situation with Erez, but he himself was not willing to consider the limitation? Later, when it became clear that his sister was also sensitive to medication, Erez was sitting next to her and quietly instructing her how to behave in order to get out of her pain. He went through a difficult period of concentrated and difficult training, but wanted to be “first in everything.” Sometimes it could give the impression of “jumping in the head,” but the truth was seen in the execution of the tasks. Indeed, when Erez “came to the aid of a friend” he “ate it” and was thrown out of the unit. After leaving the unit, Erez moved to a paratroopers’ battalion. In this corps, he underwent a commanders ‘course, and when offered to go immediately to officers’ course, he refused and explained his refusal: “To be a good officer, I must first command the class.”The officers remember Erez as a trainee with outstanding military skills. He was good at navigating, and everyone knew that if something went wrong with the exercises, it was good that Erez be in the field. Erez completed the officers ‘course almost as an outstanding trainee, with the rank of General Commander of the IDF, and returned to the paratroopers’ battalion. Erez served in this position at the Hashomer Farm, where he met the other people of the country – uneducated soldiers who could not even read and write, boys who would not But Erez found it hard to remain indifferent to the students’ personal stories. He wanted to help them, looking for all sorts of ways to reach the one and only goal-the success of the apprentice, and he was not Simcha when an apprentice passed the tests successfully. At the end of the period in the Hashomer Farm, Erez returned to the Paratroopers Brigade as deputy company commander, and the Peace for Galilee operation began for Erez on Friday night, when he received an announcement that he must report to the base as soon as possible. His unit was taken into Lebanese territory, and the aim was to seize the bridges on the streams to prevent the escape of terrorists northward, and when Erez’s force arrived about 300 meters before the bridge of its charms, they were attacked by an ambush of terrorists. , Was hit by two bullets. One hit his hand and smashed it and the other hit his chest and penetrated directly into the Lev, causing his death. On Sunday, Tu B’Sivan, 5762 (1962), Erez fell in battle and was brought to rest in the cemetery in Moshav Nir-Banim. He left behind his parents, and three sisters. In a book published by the family in his memory, the director of the high school, Dr. Talia Rachmilowitz, writes about him: “Erez was a native of this country. Its roots in and from its soil drew its strength. When he grew up, and became a strong and daring boy, he returned not only a compliment but much more. … Blessed are the earth, Woe to her – when she loses them. “After his death, the family wanted to commemorate his memory in a way that would suit his image, and the” Erez Lev Memorial Fund “was established, with the aim of inculcating the family in Israel.

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