Leshem, Shmuel

Leshem, Shmuel

Son of Ora and Israel. He was born on 29.6.1965 in Petah Tikva. He began his studies at the elementary school in Moshav Sde Yaakov and continued at the Hespine Elementary School in the Golan Heights. He continued in the Bnei Akiva junior high school in Givat Shmuel and graduated from the Kfar HaRoeh Yeshiva, where he grew up with great passion for wisdom and knowledge, and when he grew up he explained: “I have a great desire to learn a lot, both hands, And in the various study halls in which Shmuel learned that even outside the bounds of the beit midrash there are dimensions of sanctity: settling in the Land of Israel and preserving its security. His role. What will I donate? In agriculture? Maybe at a more fulfilling level? Perhaps in a young community? Shmuel found the answer to the hesder arrangement for yeshiva students and signed a commitment to serve for another 12 months, as required by the hesder yeshiva students, and in April 1983 Shmuel was drafted into compulsory military service in the IDF. He was stationed in the infantry and sent to serve in the Givati ​​Brigade, where he went on to basic infantry training, underwent a parachute training course and continued his combat course in the Infantry Corps course. He was awarded the rank of corporal and went on to continue his studies in the yeshiva, and Shmuel was knowledgeable and hard-hearted, and he never bore his Lev or eyes, and his modesty was also evident in his simplicity and manner of dealing with people. Giving to the individual and the society, to the people and to the state. “His friends told him how pleasant it was to be with him” a man of friendship who was loved by all. “All he did was think of the education he received at his parents’ home: pioneering, building the country and loving Torah. Shmuel took his home and married his wife, Hagit. Shmuel finished his studies and was sent to one of the Givati ​​Brigade battalions that served in Lebanon. He received the rank of sergeant and joined the battalion’s command staff. In one of his many letters during his stay in Lebanon, he wrote: “Despite the time and the pressure, I try to somehow squeeze some spirituality into the agenda … In all the reserve and routines, I feel satisfaction because it includes many mitzvot … In the mornings there is no time to pray, This, too, is our contribution to the defense of the state. ” In another letter he wrote: “On such a day more than ever, I think, what sacrifice is this – life, one of the most difficult things to give up, and young people walking with the clear knowledge that they might die.” At the end of the operational activity in Lebanon, Shmuel again deliberated about where he would be at his best and that his contribution would be greater. Would he go to the officers’ course and stay in the security lane? He decided to contribute to the people at the spiritual center and returned to study in a yeshiva in the Golan Heights. On the 27th of Shevat 5746 (February 19, 1986) Shmuel fell during his service. He died of a blood disease at Tel Hashomer Hospital and was brought to eternal rest in the regional cemetery of Haspin, near his Ramat Magshimim farm. Survived by his wife – Hagit, parents, two sisters – Liat and Yael and brother – Noam. In his memory, the book “Shemuel Shmuel” was published as a collection of articles for the book of Shmuel. “The book opens with an account of Shmuel’s short life and ends with a collection of some of his letters attesting to Shmuel’s personality and special character.

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