Lerman, Yitzhak

Lerman, Yitzhak

Son of Judith and Gershon, was born on 14.6.1925 in the city of Iasi, Romania. He was one year old when the family immigrated to Israel. Yitzhak finished elementary school in Tel Aviv. He was well-developed and well-mannered, and therefore left the kibbutz training and volunteered at the age of 15 to the British army. He spent six consecutive years in the army, recently in Italy and France, and was one of the activists in transporting illegal immigrants to Israel. Upon his release he returned to Tel Aviv and worked as a driver. Was a member of the Haganah and in fact was always drafted and prepared for every call. At the outbreak of the War of Independence, when he stood in the defensive posts on the border of Neveh Shalom-Jaffa, he was hit on 1 February 1948 by a bullet in the stomach and died of his wounds on the 23rd of Shevat 5708 (February 3, 1948). He was laid to rest in the military cemetery at Nahalat Yitzhak.

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