Leon, Yosef

Leon, Yosef

Son of Hanna and Shimon, was born in 1922 in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. In 1941, he immigrated to Israel with his entire family on the ship “Salvador” (“the Redeemer”), that was destroyed at sea. His mother, sister and two brothers drowned, and only he and his father survived. Yosef joined the Nutras and served as a guard for five consecutive years. He fulfilled every position entrusted to him with devotion and loyalty, and never complained about anything, nor did he receive any complaint. When he was offered a commanding officer’s course, he refused, because he did not like to give orders but to obey them, and because of the need to help his father, who had re-established his family, Yosef left the service and moved to Tel Aviv. He had the courage to rescue the members of Beit Keshet who went on patrol and encountered great Arab forces. In the battle that developed, Yosef died on the 5th of Adar 2, 5708 (March 16, 1948) and was buried in Ashdot Ya’akov. On the 5th of Av 5710 (27.7.1950) he was transferred to the eternal military cemetery at Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

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