Leibowitz, David (Dudi)

Leibowitz, David (Dudi)

Born on 18.6.1926 in the town of Tolpica, east of Transylvania, Romania, to a family of workers, religious and traditional people, he was born at the age of 14 at the age of 14, and the material condition of his parents did not allow him After completing his three years of schooling and about to start working and getting drunk, he was imprisoned with all the Jews in the ghetto by the Hungarians, who controlled the area from 1940 and was taken to a concentration camp for forced labor. David joined the Dror Habonim youth movement, went on training, and was one of the organizers and activists of the group, and in 1946 he immigrated to Israel on the ” He joined the kibbutz of Kibbutz Givat Haim, a group of Hungarian Jews and worked as a mechanic in the kibbutz factory, and as a member of the Haganah he volunteered among the first to serve the homeland as a machine gunner in a company of the Alexandroni Brigade. Zal, Kola, etc. Three weeks before his fall, on one of his short vacations, he married his beloved Miriam, and in December 1948 he moved with his brigade to the Negev, during Operation Horev, a “liquidation” operation was carried out against ” An Egyptian brigade was besieged. The attack took place on the eastern flank of the “pocket” in the area of ​​Iraq al-Manshiyya. The Alexandroni forces broke into the village from the south and took over part of it, but their assault on the hill north of the village was repulsed. Meanwhile, the Egyptians recovered and attacked and forced our forces to withdraw. Part of the force was trapped inside the village. In this battle he fell on the 28th of Kislev 5709 (December 28, 1948). Was brought to eternal rest in the Givat Haim cemetery.

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