Leibertov, Zvi

Leibertov, Zvi

Son of Haim and Chaya. He was born on February 23, 1952 in Petach Tikvah. He studied at the Yesodot elementary school in the Petah Tikva elementary school, and continued to study at the YH Brenner High School in the Mathematical-Physical Sciences, where Zvika discovered quickness, diligence, diligence, seriousness and passivity He liked school, devoted a great deal of time and excelled in it, his classmates wrote: “… he was always the best in class. Was the most prominent of all the fields he dealt with. Zvika was not only a friend who went out to spend his mother’s time, he was a friend who could be shared with the Lev-rending things. “Zvika excelled in mathematics and physics, and Zvika had a great talent for drawing and printing , And he decorated the school and the classroom, adding beauty and charm to every corner, and devoted time to sports, especially swimming, and during his high school days he even found time to take part in painting and psychology. He worked closely with the family, and throughout his studies at the high school and at the Technion, Zvika helped his father with his hard work And his friends – Zvika kept in touch with all his friends from different periods … One of his friends wrote: “… from your childhood, you have seen some character traits that shaped your personality. Your active character, your modesty and above all the willingness to give devotion to your parents, your sisters, your family and your friends in every situation, at any time and for everything. So that neither you nor anyone in need of your help felt that a special act of unconditional help was being done here. “After graduating from high school, Zvika joined the Academic Reserve and went to study at the Technion in Haifa, where he studied mechanical engineering studies “After completing his studies and before enlisting in the IDF, Zvika worked in the framework of the Israel Aircraft Industry in interior design and planning of ground equipment, as part of a summer projects project of the faculty where he studied. He reached independence and showed a purposeful approach to professional problems. When he completed his studies he returned to the air industry and continued to work there, even during the Yom Kippur War, when he was renovating airplanes. Zvi was drafted into the Israel Defense Forces in late October 1974. After completing his basic training course, Zvika also completed a course for officers of the IDF, Naval ordnance, in the direction of mechanics, according to courses Zvika’s occupations were determined, he served as technical officer, later appointed as a digital computer officer and later as electronic equipment officer. Zvika seems to his friends to be introverted and quiet, but serious and dedicated in his work. When he ascended the ranks, he was awarded the rank of lieutenant. On 8 th of Tammuz 5737 (23.6.1977) Zvi was injured and fell during his service, and was brought to eternal rest in the cemetery in Petah Tikva, in which he wrote a letter to the bereaved family: “… Zvika Was a good officer who had done his job well. His work was important to him, and the promotion of the subjects he dealt with was his primary concern. His quiet character, sensitivity and gentleness characterized Zvika. He was a good friend and loved his friends and commanders “

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