Lehaver, Moshe

Lehaver, Moshe

Son of Kochba and Shmuel. Born in 1873 in Algiers, where he studied in a French school, he immigrated to Palestine in 1898 and settled in Jaffa, where he was one of the founders of the Neve Tzedek neighborhood on the Jaffa-Tel Aviv border. He was a member of the French Officers’ Association, involved in the life of the synagogue and the community, and joined the ranks of the Haganah as well. Many of his Arab friends called him “The Lion”. After the 1929 riots Arab dignitaries approached him with a request that he make peace between themand the Jews. During the bloody riots of 1936-1939, when he was near the Haifa train station on his way to his home in Kiryat Motzkin, an Arab crowd shouted at him, “This is a Jew!” They stoned him and killed him, on 13 Tamuz, 12.7.1938. He was laid to rest in the Haganah section of the Haifa cemetery. He left a wife and two sons. The newspaper Davar wrote things in his memory.

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