Lebanon, Miki Yonatan

Lebanon, Miki Yonatan

Ben Dror and Ilan. He was born on May 1, 1971 in Eilat, and was named after his grandfather Mickey Livni, the father of his mother, who fell in the War of Independence, and when the family was six years old, the family moved to the Jerusalem area, He was a member of a tour group of the Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel (SPNI) and was part of the Youth for Youth volunteer organization. In other leisure hours he used to paint, illustrate and write, from a poem he wrote about himself as a child of nature: “I am a child of nature / well planted in the ground / not a child of uniform I dream about birds / I feel the environment / I feel my life / I think about the end. “Mickey was drafted into the army in February 1989 and volunteered to serve in the armored corps, following his father. After completing basic training, he underwent a tank course, a tank driver course and a tank commander course. Mickey returned to his unit as a tank commander and sergeant, and reached the rank of First Sergeant. At the end of one of the platoon training (platoon platoon platoon), his subordinates wrote: “Class sergeant Miki Levanon on 1b is a friend / with a team that works / solves everyone’s personal problems / a guy 10 is just perfect.” His position on Sunday, January 26, 1992, when he trained his soldiers at the Tomb of Rachel in Bethlehem shortly before his release and was laid to rest at the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem. In a letter of condolence to his family, the commander of the unit wrote: “Mickey was one of the outstanding commanders in the battalion.” The commander also noted the great esteem that Mickey earned as a professional commander among his soldiers and commanders. And Mickey’s notes were published commemorating his memory.

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