Lavie, Eliahu

Lavie, Eliahu

Son of Deborah and Alfonso. He was born on the 27th of Cheshvan 5733 (25.10.1972) in Jerusalem. He attended elementary schools in Yesod Hama’ala and Miftan in Rishon Letzion. Afterward, he continued his studies in the Tel Nof and Amal Ramle high schools. Eli studied at the high school and at a private literature school in Rishon Lezion and received a professional diploma. For three years he served as a volunteer at a fire station in his city – his father’s place of work – during his spare time, he was fond of sports and especially swimming, and Eli was drafted into the IDF in late November 1990 and stationed in the Border Police. A year later, due to medical problems, he was transferred to a unit in the Armored Corps. During this period, his health worsened and he was sent to the United States for heart-lung surgery, but did not have time to undergo surgery. On May 25, 1992, he fell to me during his service and was brought to eternal rest in the military cemetery in Rishon Letzion. Survived by his parents, two brothers – Zion and Ronen, and two sisters – Miri and Pnina. In a letter of condolence to the family, his commander wrote: “Corporal Eli managed to serve in the battalion for five months, before being hospitalized for medical examinations. During these few months Eli managed to visit the battalion in various places in Israel and learned to love her in his own way. Everywhere the battalion set up a camp, Eli was one of the pillars in everything related to the establishment of the encampment and its beautiful appearance. Eli used to tell the soldiers of the battalion and developed a special connection between him and the soldiers of the headquarters company. “

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