Lasry, Boaz

Lasry, Boaz

Ben Rachel and Solomon. He was born on 14 July 1974 in Moshav Tzuriel to a family with many children. He studied at the Yahalom Elementary School in Ma’alot and graduated from ORT Ma’alot High School. As a boy and boy Boaz was active in the “youth movement of the moshavim”. He participated in the movement’s activities and activities until his military service. Prior to joining the IDF, he joined the Nahal al-Askal group, which he founded together with his classmates and other friends from other places. Boaz was the mainstay of the nucleus, and was known as a “man and a center of morale and gaiety. His friend, Dotan, says: “In social gatherings you always feel the absence of someone who was funny and entertainer, and Boaz could not be ignored: wit and wisdom always placed Boaz in the center, and when that is missing, it is felt and painful.” Boaz was drafted into the IDF in August 1992 and joined the Nahal Brigade. After basic training and after completing his weapons course, he was assigned to various Nahal units in the position of a weapon and a weapons officer, serving in the 80th camp and the Nahal patrol battalions. Everywhere he left his mark as an independent, serious, responsible and yet with an extraordinary sense of humor in his witticism and sharpness. On the 5th of Tammuz 5754 (5.7.1994), Boaz fell in the line of duty and was brought to rest in Moshav Zuriel. He was twenty years old when he fell. Survived by his parents, four brothers – Ya’akov, Yaish, Shimon and Yoram, and three sisters – Lillian, Ariela and Eti. In a letter of condolence to the family, Chief of Staff Ehud Barak wrote: “Boaz, of blessed memory, was in charge of an armory in the Nahal Brigade reconnaissance company, and Boaz was described by his commanders as a quiet guy who performed his duties well and was loved by his friends. “He said. “Boaz was a part of us for a year and a half, he was quiet and introverted, he always did his job very well, Boaz was very popular with his friends, and always worked out with everyone. Salomon, Boaz’s father, wrote: “I loved him because he was the youngest son … I loved him because he was a cute and disciplined boy. I loved him because he gave me the energy and the strength, / I loved him because I considered him a son of the economy, / because he always had the energy and the strength to help the economy / I loved him because he was a ray of light in the family and today we are no longer with us. “May his memory be blessed forever.”

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