Laskin, Benjamin (Benny”)

Laskin, Benjamin (Benny”)

Son of Zeev and Greta. On the mother’s side – a descendant of the family of the state’s visionary, Benjamin Ze’ev (Theodore) Herzl, named after him. Born on 8 August 1949 in Tel Aviv, he attended the Tchernichovsky Elementary School and the Municipal High School, both in Tel Aviv, and his elementary school teacher remembers him as an outstanding student, a humble boy He was one of the group, but his friends from the school was not satisfied with the fact that he always sought out new friends, among the “Scouts”, in camps, in labor camps, in the Nahal nuclei, in groups Sports (“Maccabi”). He always wanted to find new friends and found them, and they found him. According to his high school teacher, Benjamin was “the only person I could not be angry at because he disarmed you when you wanted to be angry with him.” He smiled a peculiar smile, not cynical or irritating, but a good smile, which prevented him from being resentful. My son was always willing to help and to shrug. He was a man who could be trusted with, understood and understood. My son was drafted into the IDF in August 1967, after completing a semi-annual course for a communications technician, who forgot his sadness because he was told that he had failed in the pilot’s tests, but that he did not know sadness and despair. He served as a liaison officer in an armored unit in the Sinai, and after his unit was transferred to the Canal Zone in March 1970, On the 16th of Sivan 5706 (June 16, 1970), he fell in a demonstration And was brought to rest in the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul, and the unit commander wrote to his bereaved family in a condolence letter: “I met your son, who served as a liaison officer in the unit, in close contact with daily work and direct contact. , As an officer in charge of liaison in the unit. He knew how to operate his platoon, and he had an excellent technical ability and a brilliant profession. In addition, it was acceptable to his friends, commanders and subordinates because of the great grace he was blessed with. We always remember him with the smile on his face, even during the difficult times. “After the parents fell, the parents published a book in his memory called” Beni “containing letters of his own and his photographs.

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