Laria, Joseph (“Yossi”)

Laria, Joseph (“Yossi”)

Son of Menashe and Shoshana. He was born on the 7th of Tammuz 5707 (2.7.1947) in Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria. At the age of a year and a half his family immigrated to Israel and he received his education as a sabra in every respect. Yossi graduated from the Tel Aviv Municipal High School and showed a strong tendency toward physics and mathematics. So he prepared to continue his studies at the Hebrew Technion in Haifa. son of liked his parents and was a loyal friend of his. His great wish was to serve as a pilot in the IDF when he was drafted in November 1965. But when he was not accepted as a pilot he joined the Armored Corps, loved airplanes and tanks and equally liked literature and music. He also liked to explore science and nature, technique and art, and most of all he loved Israel and sacrificed his life, while he was in compulsory service. The Six-Day War broke out and he fell in battle in the Suez Canal area on July 14, 1967) as a result of enemy shelling. He was laid to rest at the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul. After his death he was promoted to lieutenant.

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