Lanter, Yaakov-Shalom

Lanter, Yaakov-Shalom

Son of Rivka and Mordechai, was born on December 25, 1913, in the city of Przyszyn, in western Poland. As a high school student and a pioneer youth movement, he immigrated to Israel in 1932 and was one of the first to settle in Gan Yavneh. He was active in the Histadrut and was a member of the workers ‘council, a modest member of the workers’ council, and in 1946 he moved with his wife And his children to the village of Ata At first he worked as a construction worker and was later hired to work in the textile factory “Ata.” During the War of Independence he served in the defense of his area of ​​residence and during a trip to his service he was killed in a road accident near the “Shal” bridge (18.6.1948) was brought to rest in the cemetery in the village of Ata.

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