Landesman, Raz

Landesman, Raz

Their eldest son, Galia and Avraham, was born on May 11, 1965, in Kibbutz Ayelet Hashahar, where he studied at the Mevo Hagalil elementary school on the kibbutz and completed his studies at the “Emek” He was a member of the “Ofarim” group of kibbutz members, and his instructor at the time noted that “Raz radiates a sweeping influence around him and a feeling of diving in a whirlpool of underground sensations, vague and unclear. . A rich and powerful inner world is trapped in bars of sensitivity and cleverness. “His peers, Raz, also enlisted in the cotton industry and moved to the orchard, and the friends who worked with him were impressed that” he is a thoughtful, thoughtful, The easy solution to complicated problems and finding it was surprisingly quick and effective, Raz had a tendency toward social leadership and concentrated the children’s company in Ayelet Hashahar, he played basketball and was an outstanding scorer in Hapoel Ayelet Hashachar’s basketball team, Reading books, music was one of his lovers, and devoted much of his free time to listening to pop music, and so on Raz was drafted into the IDF in mid-November 1983 and volunteered to serve in the Nahal Brigade as part of the command of the farm. He was gifted with a natural leadership trait, and his commanders predicted a successful promotion in the IDF. After passing the command line, he was assigned to a training course in a company of farmers but did not win. On 4 Av 5744 (August 4, 1984), Sergeant Raz fell during his service and was laid to rest in the military section of the cemetery in Eilat, and left behind his parents, four brothers and a sister. Cohen, Kibbutz Ayelet Hashahar published a memorial booklet

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