Landau, Shmuel-Yair

Landau, Shmuel-Yair

Son of Chaya-Rachel (Vivian) and Yechezkel-Ya’akov was born on the 27th of Sivan 5769 (23.6.1959) in the city of Baltimore in the United States. At the age of 3, Yair moved with his family to live in the Washington area, where he began his studies at a Jewish Hebrew primary school. He received a Jewish Zionist education, and in 1969, when he was 10 years old, immigrated with his family to Israel. For ten months, the family lived in an immigrant home until she moved to a permanent apartment in Jerusalem’s Beit Hakerem neighborhood. Yair continued his elementary studies at the Neve Etzion school in Beit Vagan. He began his high school studies at the “Himpelarb” and completed the “Or Etzion” yeshiva in the Shafir Center. In 1977, Yair began studying at Yeshivat HaKotel. This was the Seder Yeshiva, where the yeshiva students served in the IDF and continued to study religiously, and from his youth Yair had solid principles of religion and nationality, and his way of life was to combine the Zionist act with the religious faith, And especially to new immigrants, and he helped to absorb students from the United States, and he guided them and organized groups of youth in various frameworks to bring them closer to his views, and began to study at the Institute for Teacher Training in order to acquire the pedagogical tools for his activities, Where he saw a spiritual center suited to his own path, Yair was modest in all walks of life Thieu. On 10/07/1978 Yair joined the IDF as part of the arrangement conference, and served in-armor. He took two courses: tank drivers and reconnaissance, and in July 1980 he was awarded the rank of corporal.Jair joined an elite unit, which was on constant alert for operational activity on the northern front, and after his brief deployment, On March 11, 1982, his unit fought in the area of ​​Sultan Ya’akov. The tank in which he was killed was damaged and Shmuel-Yair was killed. He was 23 when he died. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem. He left behind his parents, four brothers and a sister. Defense Minister Ariel Sharon wrote about it to his family: Yair was a soldier with independent opinions who sought original ways to bring people closer to religion. “The commander of his unit wrote about him:” The fact that Yair combined Torah study and service in the combat corps shows that he was educated on lofty principles and ideals that he hoped to realize. “His friends at the Western Wall Yeshiva published a pamphlet in memory of the yeshiva students who fell The book contains some of his writings on religion and Halacha, and his memory was immortalized in the library in the Israeli center, as well as in the garden near Binyanei HaUma and in a forest in the Ramot Forest – all in Jerusalem.

The following people have requested to be notified whenever this hero is honored

  • Name: Julian Landau
    Relationship: Father
  • Name: Julian Landau
    Relationship: Father
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