Landau, Dan (“Danny”, “Dancik”),

Landau, Dan (“Danny”, “Dancik”),

Son of Michael and Berta. He was born on the eve of the War of Independence, and his first year of life was difficult because of the bullets in the area and the father’s absence from the house in order to fulfill his military duties. He was always ready to help anyone who wanted to be a leader, and as a leader, he became more involved in arguments among his friends, graduating from the Hess Elementary School in Holon and later from the Kugel High School in Holon. He was a good student, accepted by his teachers and loved by his friends, his main hobby was sports, and he was enthusiastic about it: first at basketball games and then And was awarded a number of gold and silver medals: Lieutenant Colonel Moshe Klein, who fell in the Six Day War, lived next door and was a good friend of the family; He served in the paratroopers and told Dan stories and heroic stories, and in his Lev he aspired to be a paratrooper, and at the age of fourteen, when he visited the paratroopers’ camp, he returned full of admiration and then decided to follow the path of Moses, In August 1966, and volunteered for the paratroopers. After his basic training he underwent a course for his unit, and his parents initially objected to his volunteering for this corps because two years earlier, the doctors had discovered a defect in his Lev, and when the parents informed him of their objection he said he would never return home if they did something to remove him from the Paratroopers. Was immediately involved in the retaliatory action in the village of Samu’a instead of taking the expected vacation, and was later injured in infiltrations with infiltrators on the northern border, seeking new challenges and difficult tasks, and progressing slowly. Ali Montar and conquered it; Where his best friends fell. He was later promoted to the Golan Heights and participated in the bitter battles there. To his parents’ delight, he returned home but was sad and depressed by the sights of the war and the memories of his fallen comrades; He also visited his wounded comrades. After the war, a course of commanders (non-officers) of the TUPs took place and was the commander of two TOLAR commandos; He was preparing for an officer’s course. When he went out to practice and the jeep drove in a mountainous area near Zichron Yaakov and he was sitting next to the driver, the jeep overturned and as a result of the barrel of the cannon he died. This was on the 26th of Elul 5727 (26.9.1967). Nor was he able to marry his girlfriend. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul. He did not achieve his aspirations to study at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in the Faculty of Metrology.

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