Lancry, David

Lancry, David

Son of Haviva and Meir. He was born on the 29th of Kislev, 5726 (29.5.1966) in Ashkelon, the eighth son of a family of ten children and began his studies at the “Netzach Yisrael” and “Or HaChaim” elementary schools in Ashkelon and continued in the junior high school. “David went to Kibbutz Kedma and completed his studies at the local agricultural school, and according to the counselors in the village, David was very well integrated into the place and made friends with the other boys. And as a prize for being an outstanding trainee, he was granted a driver’s license on a tractor, and his great love was in the sea: From the age of seventeen until his enlistment, he worked as a lifeguard And he dreamed of being a sailor, and he soon became familiar with everyone he met, and everyone recognized him as a man of charm and energy who always liked to help him with a smile on his face, he saved money and helped his parents with a livelihood. . At the end of basic training, he integrated into the military framework and met all that was required of him. He was stationed in the General Force and sent to serve in the Jordan Valley. David joined the Artillery Corps and managed to stay at the base for only one day. On December 9, 1985, David fell in the line of duty when he died in a fire that broke out at the base on the night of the second day of Hanukkah. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Ashkelon. Survived by his parents, five sisters – Simi, Sylvia, Eti, Oshra and Ronit and four brothers – Eli, Yossi, Moshe and Bar

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