Lachman, Gabriel (Georg)

Lachman, Gabriel (Georg)

Son of Herta and Ze’ev, was born in 1912 in Breslau, Germany. He graduated from high school and even studied mathematics, physics, and chemistry for three years. The rise of Nazism prompted him to change his course and therefore worked for three years as a construction worker for training in a work life in Israel. he was a member of Hechalutz and a counselor in the Southern District. When he immigrated to Israel in 1937, he joined Kibbutz Ramat Rachel, quickly acclimated to social life and work, As the person in charge of the security of the place, he worked to improve the defensive ability, and during the period of doubt about the future of the country he kept insisting that the “goy” would leave us and we would be independent. In the winter of 1948, he was a commander in the defense of Ramat Rachel, and he was responsible for the connection, and when he was invited to instruct artillery in the army he refused to leave his position because of its importance as a guard post to Jerusalem. On May 22, 1948, in a retreat from Arnona to Ramat Rachel, his car was hit by an enemy shell, and a few other members with him were killed and some wounded, among them the most close friend, Walter , Who together with him left Germany and together with him did most of his work in Israel and his brother-in-law Shimshon (Sioma) Efrat was buried in Sheikh Badar A. In the booklet “Ramat Rachel in Action,” Yaffa pages were dedicated to his memory, and on the 26th of Elul 5710 (8.9.1950) he was laid to rest in the cemetery in Ramat Rachel.

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