Kuterman, Avi

Kuterman, Avi

Son of Rita and Yefim. A younger brother to Alex. He was born on March 9, 1983 in Kishinev, Moldova in the former Soviet Union. Due to his father’s classified military past, the family had to wait a year and a half for a permit to immigrate to Israel. During the waiting period, Avi was forced to miss school and his grandmother taught him at home. In 1991 the family immigrated to Israel and Avi attended elementary schools in Ashdod and Shachad. He graduated summa cum laude from the Ministry of Science and Technology, which included computers, physics and mathematics, and Avi was very attached to his family, and his brother Alex had an extraordinary relationship. In July 2001, Avi enlisted in the IDF and served in the Intelligence Corps, where he served in the IDF, Where he completed a number of computer courses. He was very proud of his military service and became a quality and professional soldier. His demeanor was exemplary and he was a candidate for a special career. His presence created a good atmosphere around him. He was acceptable to his friends and commanders to the unit, my friend, and was the address for requests for help from his friends. On 1 Nisan, April 3, 2003, Avi fell during his service, a month after he was twenty years old and a week before he was awarded the rank of sergeant, and Avi was laid to rest in the civil cemetery in Ashdod.

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