Kusht, Haggai

Kusht, Haggai

Ben-Varda and Michael, one of the founders of Kibbutz Gvat and one of the founders of Kibbutz Yifat (in Peleg 1955) in the Jezreel Valley. Hagai was born on May 9, 1951 in the kibbutz after his three sisters: Nitza, Leah and Yael, and his birth, they sang at the Independence Day party at the kibbutz, and from there Hagai was named for the double joy Hagai was known as a kind, industrious, Hagai played in a flute and taught at the HaNoar HaOved VeHalomed in Migdal HaEmek for two years, until he was drafted into the chicken coop, which he chose mainly because of the diligent and well-formed team, Most of whom fell in Israel’s wars.In late October 1969, Hagai was drafted into compulsory army service. He volunteered for a pilot course, successfully completed a helicopter course, received the rank of officer and was assigned to a squadron squadron. In November 1971 Hagai was severely burned in a helicopter accident, underwent a series of operations, rehabilitated himself with effort and stubbornness and returned to the squadron. In March 1973 he married his girlfriend, Dorit, and they expanded the family on the birth of their two children, Nimrod and Nitzan. Hagai was a proud father, a lover without borders and admired his children and devoted every hour to spending time with them. He believed that developing a common interest with each child contributes to the deepening of the connection and thus he did, in the negotiations with Nimrod and with Nitzan. He liked movies, Hebrew songs, books, trips, running and good food. In 1974 Hagai was ordained and served as a trainer at the Hatzerim boarding school. After two periods in the squadron, she converted to heavy helicopters (Yasurim) in the Yasur Squadron. After serving as the head of the planning team at the TALSAM, he was called to serve as second lieutenant in the Yasur Squadron. In the summer of 1983 Hagai and his family went to study in the United States, and in various positions he toured Europe and the United States, where he studied at the Air Force College The American in Alabama, and completed his bachelor’s degree at the University of Auburn, where he moved to the rank of lieutenant-colonel, and in his last position he served as the operations commander, performing his duties professionally, responsibly and devotedly. In the summer of 1984, Hagai was appointed commander of a Sayidim squadron, which he commanded with two years of distinction. In the summer of 1986, he was appointed commander of another squadron, which he commanded with honors for three years, during which time the squadron won most of the flight safety awards and participated in extensive operational activities. Hagai was able to plan, carry out and lead the squadron in operational activity that is largely secret to this day, and the imagination is less than Maltare. In this framework, he cooperated with the elite of the operational forces in the army and was loved and admired by them “from soldier to general.” Hagai loved them with true love, felt great responsibility for their safety and admired their professionalism and willingness. This is how wonderful friendships were created, whose traces remain to this day. In his opinion on pilots in command positions, Hagai wrote: “Hagai, a high-level, thorough and professional officer with excellent thinking and analysis, behaves pleasantly on the one hand and a strong hand on the other, an authority figure who promotes the squadron with the right emphasis, “He said. In March 1990, during his studies at the National Security College, the Defense Minister approved the appointment of Hagai as deputy commander of the Tel Nof base. On April 28, 1990, Hagai fell in the line of duty. Two Yasur helicopters flew on a training flight in the area of ​​Mevo Shilo. The helicopter in question crashed into Hagai’s helicopter. Six crew members, airborne mechanics and pilots died in the accident. Hagai was brought to rest in the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul. He was thirty-nine years old when he fell. Survived by Raya – Dorit, Ben – Nimrod, Bat – Nitzan, S.Losh sisters – Nitza, Leah and Yael, and brother – Assaf. After his death, Hagai was promoted to the rank of Colonel by Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Ehud Barak and Commander of the Air Force, Major General Herzl Bodinger. Hagai, who was above me and above all a wonderful person, father and evil, was immortalized by his family in the memorial room of the family home in Yavneh and in a video documenting episodes of his life. The Jewish student organization in Rome planted a tree in his memory in one of the forests of the Jewish National Fund. The Jewish community of Sun City West in Arizona, United States, commemorated its name in the local synagogue. Col. Amidror Yaakov, a classmate at the National Security College, wrote: “When a strong wind blows, thunderous thunderbolts and lightning flashes blaze, attention is focused on the huge trees fluttering on each side and the water flowing and sweeping all that stands in their way. So is the nature of man: the noise, the strong light and what seems to be powerful – are the ones that attract the soul. / And at the same time the seed falls to earth. Quietly, without attracting anyone’s eye, and without a thought being given by anyone. / In deep vision it is important to seed from the storm – that is where the future lies. / The fate of the forest will be determined in silence – and not in the external and demonstrable intensity of the loud storm. / That seed was Haggai. Quiet and introverted, far from fireworks. A professional who knows and loves his profession, judges himself and his surroundings with severe criteria of action and not according to external talk and presentations. As one who examines things according to their importance and not according to their color. / In college we saw him from the narrow angle of being students, but here too we recognized the determination to go down to the roots of problems, to learn and to understand in order to cope. We have learned that his ability as a pilot is the result of the qualities that that good friend made: openness to the environment, understanding of the other but without giving himself up. With a smile but without lack of seriousness. His devoted care of children (and not just his) on college trips indicated more than anything else the softness and gentleness of the soul hiding behind the face that managed to conceal the inner tension and behind the burned hands that seemed to have lost touchiness. / We met Hagai for a short time. / He was killed where he loved – in the helicopter, and the chair he most admired – the captain’s chair. / He will miss us greatly. “

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