Kursia, Racheli

Kursia, Racheli

Daughter of Michal and Jacob. She was born in Be’er Sheva on April 16, 1978. A month after her birth, she remained in the Soroka Hospital until she grew up and her parents were allowed to take her home.Racheli grew up in Be’er Sheva, She graduated from the Rimon elementary school and in high school in a theoretical track, and graduated with honors and commendable achievements, while Raheli loved running, and helping and caring for younger children. She was a little mother, and during the course of her high school studies she undertook a community project, and for a year she helped a child with limited abilities to understand the curriculum and homework. At the end of the period proved to be great success when the child began to function as a normal child. Her parents say: “Rachlie used to dress elegantly and gracefully, as she neatly manicured … her dominant and charismatic personality was felt in every corner. Few people have a positive consensus around them. Always gently her mind knew how to say the right thing at the right time. Everyone was good to her and around her spread color, beauty, wisdom and a lot of love. “In September 1996, she enlisted in the IDF. The day of enlistment was a happy day for Raheli, who saw military service as a very important goal. She went to an officers’ course, and in March 1997 she fulfilled her dream of becoming an officer, and became the pride of the family. At first she served as a liaison officer in Jaffa, from where she moved to the Southern Command. Racheli turned out to be a responsible, diligent, intelligent and dedicated officer. On Independence Day 1998 she was chosen as an outstanding officer. She sought a more combat role, and at the beginning of 1999 she was appointed, after being selected from among several candidates, to the position of assistant brigade officer in the Jordan Valley. “Every soldier of every rank knew that they could consult with her 24 hours a day; she was an attentive ear to everyone.” No doubt Racheli would have reached a senior position and a brilliant military career if she had not been picked up in her prime. ” On the morning of 7 August 1999, Racheli fell in her role in the Jordan Valley, and in the morning she traveled to Haifa, where she was killed in an accident near Shadmot Mehola. – she was buried in the military cemetery in Be’er Sheva, leaving behind her parents and two brothers, and in preparation for the anniversary of her death, her parents published a book in her memory.

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