Kuperman, Nadav

Kuperman, Nadav

Nadav, son of Etty and Joseph, was born on 29.1.1954 in Kibbutz Gal-On and underwent all stages of growth in the agriculture -Nadav was drafted into the IDF in early November 1971 and assigned to the Artillery Corps. “Nadav was a quiet, modest, pleasant and noble man, and he did his best, and he was a good friend who was ready to help others in times of need. He was very serious and was absorbed in his books, and he often spoke about the fact that the books kept the man away from his company Nadav was really like that, he was cut off from the world “He had a broad education, but he never wore it to his students and friends, who were inferior to him in this respect.” The people at the base loved him very much and treated him with great appreciation. ” During the Yom Kippur War Nadav fought with his unit on the Golan Heights front. His friends said that the battle was efficient, resourceful and cool. In one of the battles against the Syrian army on October 12, 1973, Nadav was hit by artillery fire and fell. He was brought to eternal rest in the cemetery of Kibbutz Gal-On. Survived by his parents and two sisters. After his fall, he was promoted to sergeant.

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